Bulletin aims to be proactive in responding to requests from mobile users that may be considered OPT OUT requests.
In addition to the Bulletin Connect automated blocking of numbers, Bulletin's systems automatically scan for any incoming messages that contain other Possible Opt Out Requests and then account holders are contacted to confirm that they have removed the recipient from their system.
Senders that have a large amount of "opt out" requests are required to confirm that they are only sending to recipients that they have a prior relationship with and that have agreed to receive messages from them. If they cannot do this, then they may be disconnected.
The best thing a user can do if they receive a message from someone that they do not want to receive them from is to reply with an SMS that only says STOP. Any ambiguity (eg "please stop" or "please do not send me these messages" etc) may slow the process.
If you do not want to reply to the message with an SMS or, in the unlikely event that you continue to receive messages from the same Bulletin account then please contact us by sending an email to [email protected] providing:
- Your mobile number
- The number the message came from
- The date and time of the message your received
- The content of the message you received
Bulletin.net will act to remove anyone guilty of sending spam or unsolicited messages and will never share your details with anyone.
The Bulletin Connect product has an anti-spam_ process in place. Once a mobile has sent a stop message, they will no longer be able to receive messages from that account. This impacts all Bulletin Connect messages as well as messages for Bulletin Messenger and email2SMS. It has no impact on Campaigner or any messages from our NZ Carrier Platforms. How to remove my number from the blocked list if it was added in error?